TM 9-2320-365-10
This task covers:
a. Cleaning Exterior
b. Cleaning Interior
Equipment Condition
Wheels chocked (para 2-21h).
Rags, Wiping (Item 17, Appendix D)
Soap, Laundry (Item 18, Appendix D)
Solvent, Dry Cleaning (Item 19,
Appendix D)
All cleaning procedures must be accomplished in well-ventilated
areas. Failure to comply may result in injury to personnel or damage
to equipment.
Protective gloves, clothing, and/or respiratory equipment must be
worn whenever caustic, toxic, or flammable cleaning solutions are
used. Failure to comply may result in injury to personnel or damage
to equipment.
Diesel fuel or gasoline must never be used for cleaning. Failure to
comply may result in injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
A fire extinguisher must be available and ready during all cleaning
operations involving solvents. Failure to comply may result in injury
to personnel or damage to equipment.
Dry Cleaning Solvent (P-D-680) is TOXIC and flammable.
protective goggles and gloves; use only in well-ventilated area; avoid
contact with skin, eyes, and clothes, and do not breath vapors. Keep
away from heat or flame. Never smoke when using Dry Cleaning
Solvent; the flashpoint for Type I Dry Cleaning Solvent is 100°F
(38°C) and for Type II is 138°F (50°C). Failure to comply may result
in serious injury or death to personnel.
If personnel become dizzy while using Dry Cleaning Solvent,
immediately get fresh air and medical help. If Dry Cleaning Solvent
contacts skin or clothes, flush with cold water. If solvent contacts
eyes, immediately flush eyes with water and get medical attention.
Failure to comply may result in serious injury or death to personnel.
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