TM 9-2320-365-34-1
h. Drain Plugs. When removing drain plugs from transmission, engine, hydraulic system components, or axle
differential and planetary hubs, check amount of sediment on plugs. Accumulations of grit or fine metal particles
may indicate actual or potential component failure. A few fine particles are normal. This inspection helps to
determine if there are defective parts prior to internal inspection of the component and to predict degradation of the
a. Burrs. Remove burrs from surface teeth with a fine-cut file or crocus cloth.
b. Exterior Parts. Chassis and exterior painted parts may be resurfaced when paint is damaged, or where parts
have been repaired (TB 43-0242).
Polished and machined steel parts not protected by cadmium, tin, copper, or other
plating or surface treatment require protection. Bare metal parts must be free of
moisture when protective coating is applied.
c. Protecting Parts. Protect bare steel surfaces from rust when not actually undergoing repair work. Dip parts in,
or spray them with, corrosion preventive compound (Item 21, Appendix C). Aluminum parts may require protection
in atmospheres having a high salt content.
d. Screws, Nuts and Fittings. Replace any screw, nut, or fitting with damaged threads. Inspect tapped holes for
thread damage. If cross-threading is evident retap the hole for the next oversize screw or stud. If the retapping will
weaken the part, or if the cost of the part makes retapping impractical, replace the part. Chasing the threads with
proper size tap or die may be adequate.
e. Stud Installation. When installing studs use a proper driver. A worn stud driver may damage the end thread.
Then a chasing die must be used before a nut can be screwed on. This procedure will remove cadmium plating
and allow corrosion. Before installing a stud, inspect the hole for chips. Blow out foreign matter and start stud by
hand. Before final insertion, coat thread with a film of antiseize compound (Item 10, Appendix C). Install stud to
proper "setting height", which is the total projecting length.
f. Dents. Straighten minor body dents by tapping with a soft-faced hammer while using a wooden block backing.
g. Sheet Metal Repair. Repair minor skin cracks by installing patches.
a. Preparation. Remove protective grease coatings from new parts before installation.
b. Preformed Packing Installation. Lubricate all preformed packings with a thin coat of lubricating oil (Item 41,
Appendix C) before installing. To install a preformed packing, first clean the groove, then stretch packing and place
into position. Place component on flat surface and uniformly press packing into position.
c. Pipe Joints and Fittings. Use nonhardening sealing compound (Item 71, Appendix C) or anti-seizeing tape
(Item 79, Appendix C) to join piping and fittings.