TM 9-2320-365-34-1
e. Ensure the fuel tank contains at least 20 gallons (75.7 liters) of treated fuel. The fuel should be treated with
Biobor J.F. The addition of 3 teaspoons of Biobor to 20 gallons of fuel will provide adequate protection against
fungus growth. When storing a vehicle in freezing conditions, the addition of 3 ounces of isopropyl alcohol to every
20 gallons of diesel fuel will help prevent fuel-line freeze up.
f. Monthly Storage Maintenance Instructions.
Conduct visual inspection of vehicle. Check lubricant, battery electrolyte, coolant level and tire
pressures. Correct any discrepancies.
Inspect oil can points. Lubricate if necessary.
Start engine and idle for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes of engine idle, operate engine for 5 minutes at
1500 rpm or until engine water temperature reaches 180 F. Shift transmission slowly through all gear
selector positions. Return transmission to neutral.
Move vehicle 30 feet forward and reverse.
Idle engine 10 minutes before shutdown.
Check grease coating on all chromium plated and unpainted surfaces. If grease was wiped from
chromium plates or unpainted surfaces when vehicle was moved, recoat these surfaces.
g. Quarterly Storage Maintenance Instructions.
Move vehicle at least 1/4 mile. While driving, shift transmission through all gear ranges.
Exercise all auxiliary equipment and winch. While operating winch or crane, lubricate hoist and cables.
h. Yearly Storage Maintenance Instructions.
Clean exterior, engine and undercarriage. Clean interior of cab. Wash any oil or grease from tires.
Visually inspect vehicle. Check lubricant levels and tire pressures. Correct all discrepancies.
Lubricate chassis, auxiliary equipment, winch and hoist cable and oil can points.
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