TM 9-2320-365-34-12-49NOTEPerform Engine Troubleshooting(a11. Engine Starts But Misfires,Runs Rough, or Lacks Power)before performing fuel injectortest.FUEL INJECTOR TESTWARNINGUse extreme care when openingcab door with cab raised. Failureto comply may cause injury topersonnel or damage to equipment.NOTEActuating the control shaft leverplaces the injector in the Fuel Onposition for a few seconds. Thiscauses excess fuel to be injectedinto that particular cylinder,causing a loud combustion knock.(1) Remove cylinder head (para 3-6).(2) Check cylinder head, cylinder walls, and headgasket surface of cylinder block for cracks.(3) Install cylinder head/head gasket (para 3-6).(2) Open cab door.(3) Start engine (TM 9-2320-365-10).(1) Remove valve cover (TM 9-2320-365-20-2).(4) Actuate No. 1 cylinder control shaft lever.(5) If actuating fuel injector does not result in aloud combustion knock, fuel injector is faulty.(6) Repeat step (5) for remaining injectors.(7) Shut down engine (TM 9-2320-365-10).(8) Close cab door.(9) Install valve cover (TM 9-2320-365-20-2).(10) Lower cab (TM 9-2320-365-10).
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