Change 1 2-273TM 9-2320-365-34-1CONTINUITY TESTInspect connector pins/sockets for damage,corrosion, and serviceability. Check thatconnector pins are not pushed back andare capable of making good contact.CAUTIONNOTE(1) Set multimeter to ohms.(2) Connect positive (+) probe of multimeterto internal wiring harness 24-pin connectorpin C2.(3) Connect negative (-) probe of multimeter tointernal wiring harness connector Csocket B and note reading on multimeter.(4) If continuity is not present, replacetransmission internal wiring harness(para 7-13).(5) Connect positive (+) probe of multimeterto internal wiring harness 24-pin connectorpin C2.(6) Connect negative (-) probe of multimeter toall other pins in internal wiring harness24-pin connector and note reading onmultimeter.(7) Connect negative (-) probe of multimeter toground and note reading on multimeter.(8) If continuity is present, transmissioninternal wiring harness is shorted; replacetransmission internal wiring harness(para 7-13).Use care when testing electrical connectors.Do not damage connector pins or socketswith multimeter probes. Failure to complymay result in damage to equipment.
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