TM 9-2320-365-34-2
b. Cleaning/Inspection.
(1) Wipe clean all metal parts.
Replace any part that fails visual inspection
or size measurement requirements.
(2) Inspect four spindles (1) for cracks, pitting, burring, and
evidence of excessive wear.
(3) Inspect four pinion gears (2) for burring, cracks, pitting,
and broken or excessively worn teeth.
(4) Inspect eight bearings (3) for cracks, burring, pitting, and
broken or excessively worn rollers.
(5) Inspect two thrust washers (4) for excessive wear.
(6) Measure thickness of two thrust washers (4), minimum
thickness 0.057 in. (0.144 cm).
(7) Inspect planetary carrier housing (5) for cracks, scoring,
pitting, and excessive wear.
(8) Inspect bushing (6) for cracks, scoring, burring, pitting,
and excessive wear.
(9) Measure inside diameter of bushing (6), minimum inside
diameter 2.10 in. (5.33 cm).
c. Assembly.
(1) Install bushing (1) in planetary carrier (2).
(2) Install eight roller bearings (3) on four pinion gears (4).
(3) Install four pinion gears (4) and eight thrust washers (5)
in planetary carrier (2) with four spindles (6).