TM 9-2320-365-34-2
Ensure dial indicator lever is in contact with
end face of rack bar. Failure to comply may
result in faulty reading.
(6) Firmly push rack head (6) of fuel injector (7) toward fuel
injector until rack stop (8) contacts fuel injector base (9).
No. 1 fuel injector is now in fuel shutoff
(7) Hold rack head (6) in shutoff position and adjust dial
indicator group until all dials read zero.
(8) Tighten dial indicator group and release rack head (6).
(9) Remove clip (10) from adapter sleeve (11) between fuel
governor (12) and inlet manifold (13).
(10) Slide sleeve (11) from fuel governor (12) toward cylinder
head (3).
(11) Install insertion tool into link pin (14) of output shaft (15).
When properly installed, equal lengths of small
diameter of insertion tool will extend from both
ends of link pin.
(12) Install holding tool between adapter sleeve (11) and
small diameter of insertion tool.
(13) Push holding tool down until small diameter of insertion
tool contacts face of fuel governor (12). This is fuel
setting measurement position.